The Low Vision Center at the Institute of Opthalmology and Visual Science is the only low vision service for veterans in the
State of New Jersey and an important component of the Center for Macular Degeneration Treatment and Research. Under the direction of Khadija Shahid, OD, FAAO, the Low Vision Center has clinical facilities at the Doctors Office Center in Newark, New Jersey.
Comprehensive care of patients with visual impairment or patients who are blind includes meticulous refraction, individual counseling on the selection and use of low vision aids, mobility training, and referral to social services. The goal of the Low Vision Center is to enable persons who are partially sighted to remain functional and independent when standard spectacles, contact lenses, or surgery no longer suffice. For example, patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) who may not be responsive to surgical modalities may be helped by low vision aids. A full range
of devices are regularly designed and dispensed, including hand-held, stand, and spectacle magnifiers; telescopes; electro-optical and special illumination devices; closed circuit television; and computer systems.