Visual Electrophysiology Laboratory, under
the direction of Dr. Monique
S. Roy, is the most up-to-date and complete facility of its
kind in the State of New Jersey and, perhaps, the entire Northeast.
This laboratory provides a unique and important service for the
Institute as well as for physicians statewide, furnishing full-field
and focal ERG, flash and pattern VERs, dark adaptometry, and complete
assessments on color vision deficiency. Furthermore, the Visual
Electrophysiology Laboratory specializes in the evaluation of
unexplained visual loss in patients of all ages, and in the diagnosis,
examination, and follow-up of patients with diffuse retinal degeneration
as well as macular degeneration. Dr. Roy has been the recipient
of a grant from the National Eye Institute in excess of $2,300,000
and received an additional, unsolicited $210,000 from the National
Institutes of Health Office of Minority Health for her study of
risk factors associated with diabetic retinopathy in African Americans.
In addition, Dr. Roy is coinvestigator on the Women Health Initiative
Eye Study, which is examining the role of hormone replacement
in women in relation to age-related macular degeneration.
Low Vision Center, under the direction
of Khadija Shahid,
OD, FAAO, is an important component of the Center
for Macular Degeneration Treatment and Research,
as many patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may
not be amenable or responsive to surgical modalities, but may
be helped by low vision aids. The Low Vision Center, the only
low vision service for veterans in the State of New Jersey, has
clinical facilities at the Doctors
Office Center and at the Department
of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in East Orange.
Comprehensive care of the visually impaired or blind patient includes meticulous refraction, individual counseling on the selection and use of low vision aids, mobility training, and referral to social services.